Diweddariad Cwlfert
Works on site are currently progressing to programme, although there have been some complications caused by unchartered sewer pipes during initial excavations. These had put us a couple of days behind programme, however our site teams have been working longer hours into the evenings and through the weekends to bring us back on programme.
The site is extremely congested as you’re aware due to the limited space available within the vicinity of the culvert, and therefore we are limited in the amount of people and plant we can use to progress the works, although we have had Dwr Cymru, Wales & West Utilities, and our own Civils Contractors on site working around each other the past couple of weeks. The works programme as-is is already challenging, with all opportunities for acceleration already built into the programme. Currently, works are planned to be completed on Wednesday 5th March, although we are aiming to re-open the A487 on Friday 28th February, and complete the remaining works with the use of two-way lights / night time closures for the last few days. I would like to emphasise however, this is based upon no further unforeseen problems being encountered on site.
With regards to local businesses, SWTRA have undertaken a significant amount of liaison with them over many months prior to these works commencing, to include the following:
- We have visited businesses face-to-face to discuss these works and obtain concerns;
- Carried out letter drops and issued out various communications relating to the planned works;
- Met with the Newport Chamber of Trade; one of their main concerns was the ability to continue to receive deliveries. We have therefore put in place a dedicated delivery bay on Market St, and this is managed for larger lorries with dedicated Traffic Management staff;
- Carried out a drop-in session in Newport for locals and business to voice their concerns and see how we might be able to address them. Many of these concerns related to bus services and people being able to access the Town; we worked with Pembrokeshire council and third party suppliers over many months to ensure every single service remains operational throughout the works. Logistically this was very challenging as it required multiple smaller vehicles etc.;
- Provided 2no. public presentations within Newport at the Memorial Hall;
- We have added signage on the A487 east and west approaches into Newport to notify motorists that businesses are open as usual;
- Within Newport itself at each end of the road closure, we have signage noting that businesses are open as usual. We have also added business specific signage for the businesses within the length of the actual road closure to state that they are still open;
- Advertised notice of the works in local newspapers (Tivyside and Western Mail) which included a note that businesses would remain open as usual;
- We have worked with the Town Council to help us advertise (including via Facebook groups) that local businesses are still open throughout the works;
- We have provided all businesses within Newport information on possible support that they might be able to obtain from Business Wales, and included contact details for Business Wales. We have also made all businesses aware of the support that might be available from the Valuation Office Agency via reduced business rates for the duration for the works, and provided them with contact details.
Despite the above, we do very much appreciate that the works are disruptive, and we remain committed to working with the local community to minimise their impact. We also pass on all concerns raised to the Welsh Government as asset owner and scheme promoter.
Diweddariad Cwlfert
Just a brief update on progress:
Works on site are currently progressing to programme, although there have been some complications caused by unchartered sewer pipes during initial excavations. These had put us a couple of days behind programme, however our site teams have been working longer hours into the evenings where possible, and through the weekends to bring us back on programme.
The site is extremely congested due to the limited space available within the vicinity of the culvert, and therefore we are limited in the amount of people and plant we can use to progress the works, although we have had Dwr Cymru, Wales & West Utilities, and our own Civils Contractors on site working around each other the past couple of weeks.
We have had some queries in recent days regarding working hours on site, and it has been noted that there have been days when site activities have finished at 4/5pm, instead of the site teams working until 11pm in order to reduce the site programme. It is important to note that it is not always possible to work extended hours because that will depend upon the activities planned for that day. For example, since commencing works on 6th January, we have had stats diversion works happening on site and being undertaken by Dwr Cymru and Wales & West Utilities. A number of activities associated with their works have involved setting new pieces of apparatus, and constructing new pipe runs and chambers. A lot of this has included the pouring of concrete, and once the concrete is poured, there is nothing else that can proceed on that activity until the next day when the concrete has cured. However, we want to re-assure you that longer working hours are built in to the programme where activities allow that.
The works programme as-is, is challenging, with all opportunities for acceleration already built into the programme. Currently, works are planned to be completed on Wednesday 5th March, although we are aiming to re-open the A487 a few days before that, and complete the remaining works with the use of two-way lights / night time closures for the last few days. I would like to emphasise however, this is based upon no further unforeseen problems being encountered on site.
As you’re aware, this work is essential in order to ensure the future resilience of the road, however we do very much appreciate that the works are disruptive; every effort is being made to minimise this disruption whilst completing the works in as little a timeframe as possible. We are doing all we can to assist the community throughout the works, but if you feel we may be able to assist in some other way please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Gwybodaeth Gwaith Ffordd A487 Gwaith Amnewid Cwlfert y Dderwen Frenhinol
Gwybodaeth Gwaith Ffordd A487 Gwaith Amnewid Cwlfert Y Dderwen Frenhinol
Diweddariad SWTRA
Gweler ynghlwm gopi o gyflwyniad SWTRA, a chopi o’r cynlluniau Rheoli Traffig a Rheoli Cerddwyr er gwybodaeth i chi.
Bydd gwefan Traffig Cymru yn cael ei diweddaru o fewn y dyddiau nesaf, felly mae’n werth gwirio yno’n rheolaidd am unrhyw ddiweddariadau:
A487 Gwaith Cwlfer A487 Y Dderwen Frenhinol Cwestiynau Cyffredin
A487 Trefdraeth: Adnewyddu Cwlfer Y Dderwen Frenhinol
Mae’r dyddiad cychwyn yn dal i fod wedi’i gynllunio ar gyfer 6 Ionawr, os bydd unrhyw newidiadau i hyn byddwn yn eich hysbysu cyn gynted â phosibl.

Sesiwn Galw Heibio Gwaith Amnewid Cwlfert yr A487 Y Dderwen Frenhinol
Sesiwn Galw Heibio Gwaith Amnewid Cwlfert yr A487 Y Dderwen Frenhinol
Cyflwyniad Cyhoeddus.
Dydd Mawrth Tachwedd 26ain
Neuadd Goffa Trefdraeth
2yp – 3.30yp neu 4.30yh – 6yh
Bydd lluniaeth yn cael ei ddarparu
Gwybodaeth Gwaith Ffordd A487 Gwaith Amnewid Cwlfert y Dderwen Frenhinol
Gwybodaeth Gwaith Ffordd A487 Gwaith Amnewid Cwlfert y Dderwen Frenhinol
Gwybodaeth gwaith ffordd: A487 Trefdraeth: Adnewyddu Cwlfer Royal Oak | A487 Trefdraeth: Adnewyddu Cwlfer Royal Oak | Traffig Cymru
Cwestiynau Cyffredin: A487 Gwaith Cwlfer A487 Royal Oak Cwestiynau Cyffredin | A487 Gwaith Cwlfer A487 Royal Oak Cwestiynau Cyffredin | Traffig Cymru
Dyddiadau Cyfarfodydd Cyhoeddus.
Dyddiadau Cyfarfodydd Cyhoeddus.
‘Mae cyflwyniad SWTRA ar gael yn y Neuadd Goffa. Yr ydym bellach wedi derbyn ar gyfer y 26ain Tachwedd.
Mae amseroedd y ddau gyflwyniad yn cael eu diwygio ychydig i gyd-fynd â’r Neuadd sydd ar gael, gyda’r amseroedd yn 2-3.30yp, a 4.30-6yp.’
Amnewid Cwlfert Y Dderwen Frenhinol
A487 Amnewid Cwlfert Y Dderwen Frenhinol – Openreach – Gwaith wedi’i gynllunio yn Nhrefdraeth – Diweddariad
Diweddariad ACDC.
‘With regards to the works that Openreach have been undertaking over the past couple of Sundays, they have fed back to us that the works are progressing well. Once they complete their planned civils works on Sunday 10th November, they will have other less disruptive works to undertake as referred to within the previous letter that was issued (attached for ease of reference). Those works will not require any road closures however, and will be undertaken during the night (between 2000hrs and 0600hrs) to minimise disruption, with the use of temporary traffic lights. This is not noisy work, and will just consist of cable pulling and jointing of new cables. The works will commence during the night of Monday 11th November, and are expected to last approximately 4 weeks.
Also, just a reminder that regular updates can be found on the Traffic Wales website (roadworks south section).’
A487 Amnewid Cwlfert Y Dderwen Frenhinol - Openreach - Gwaith wedi'i gynllunio yn Nhrefdraeth - Diweddariad
A487 Amnewid Cwlfert Y Dderwen Frenhinol – Openreach – Gwaith wedi’i gynllunio yn Nhrefdraeth – Diweddariad
Diweddariad ACDC.
‘Fel y gwyddoch, mae Openreach ar hyn o bryd yn gweithio bob dydd Sul pan fydd yr A487 ar gau yn gwneud gwaith i symud rhai o’u hoffer presennol sydd wedi’i leoli o dan y ffordd gerbydau, rhwng Ffordd Parrog a Stryd y Farchnad.
Fel y nodwyd yn ein cyfathrebiad ffurfiol blaenorol dyddiedig 23 Medi, bydd angen rhywfaint o waith ychwanegol ar Openreach unwaith y byddant wedi gorffen eu gwaith cychwynnol yn ystod y 4no. Ffordd yr A487 ar gau ddydd Sul. Fodd bynnag, ni fydd angen cau unrhyw ffyrdd ar gyfer y gwaith ychwanegol, a bydd yn cael ei wneud yn ystod y nos gan ddefnyddio goleuadau traffig dros dro i leihau aflonyddwch. Bydd y gwaith hwn yn tynnu ceblau ac yn uno’r ceblau newydd, ac felly maent yn dawel ar y cyfan.
Rydym yn rhagweld y bydd Openreach yn dechrau gyda’r gwaith tynnu/unio ceblau ar noson 11 Tachwedd; mae gennym gyfarfod ag Openreach a Sir Benfro i drafod ymhellach yn ddiweddarach yr wythnos hon; unwaith y bydd wedi’i gadarnhau byddwn yn cyfathrebu’r manylion allan’
DIWEDDARIAD: A487 20 C55 – Cwlfer Y Dderwen Frenhinol - Gwaith Amnewid Cwlfer
ACDC – Uned Rheoli Cefnffyrdd
DIWEDDARIAD: A487 20 C55 – Cwlfer Y Dderwen Frenhinol – Gwaith Amnewid Cwlfer